Volcanic eruption in Vanuatu - sirens warn in case of tsunamis

Yesterday an underwater volcano erupted in Vanuatu. The eruption probably came as a surprise and has so far remained without major consequences for the population. The volcano is located 68 km north of the capital Port Vila. Only at the beginning of January there was a strong earthquake on Espiritu Santo and experts suspect that this tremor could have triggered the eruption.

The island nation of Vanuatu is located in the South Seas west of the Fiji Islands on the so-called Ring of Fire and is a seismologically active area. The danger of tsunamis is high.

To warn the population in time of the danger of a tsunami, the government relies on sirens from HÖRMANN Warnsysteme.

Read more about the tsunami early warning system of Vanuatu in our case study: https://www.hoermann-ws.de/en/applications/mass-warning-systems/tsunami…


Sirenen warnen im Fall von Tsunamis